We are very proud to announce that as of today Protuner has become an HKS fcon power writer, enabling us to supply fit and map the awesome range of HKS fcon engine management systems.
Today Maz Yumeda of HKS Europe came to visit Protuner to deliver our hks power writer software and encryption dongle and to sign off the power writer contract.
This allows us to supply fit and map:
- HKS fcon s
- HKS fcon is
- HKS fcon V Pro versions 3 right up to the brand new 3.3.
For a full list of features of these great systems please check there website at www.hkseurope.com
Protuner becomes an HKS Power Writer
We are very proud to announce that as of today Protuner has become an HKS fcon power writer, enabling us to supply fit and map the awesome range of HKS fcon engine management systems.
Today Maz Yumeda of HKS Europe came to visit Protuner to deliver our hks power writer software and encryption dongle and to sign off the power writer contract.
This allows us to supply fit and map:
For a full list of features of these great systems please check there website at www.hkseurope.com